Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Oh my what a mess August has been.


So if you are getting texts from me in all capitals its because my phone broke & my backup sucks. It sucks alot.

So many bad things have happened (more on that in a later post) since I got home from the RAGBRAI... I wanna go back to Iowa and just ride my bike.

Was doing a little single track riding on my cyclecross bike Saturday and went down. I jumped up right away because I knew I had landed on my phone.

I cracked the screen & its a touch screen.
I was kinda pissed and then I realized what my phone had saved me from. I had fallen right on to a couple huge chunks of beer bottle that surely would have impaled me.
Thank you phone. I need my kidneys.
My phone still worked just fine.
No big deal I can deal with a crack in the corner of the screen for a while.

It worked fine the rest of the day (I use my phone alot) Went to a party. Got home at 2AM went to bed got up at 5AM to work an event (Tour de Shawnee)

Phone still worked.

By the time I was home from the event at 10:30AM the phone started acting funny. Then it started shutting off and not coming back on very quickly.

Now it won't come on at all.


Not something I really want to invest money into right now.

Oh well.
I got out my cheap back up phone and charged up the battery.
It was being funky at first but now seems to be working just fine.

Monday morning I was laying in bed trying to, once again, set the time and date.
The back up phone randomly shut off, again, and in a fit of irritation pitched it across the room.
Right into the bottom of the full length mirror in the corner.


So there I am at 7:30AM freshly out of bed squatting on the floor picking broken glass out of my bedroom carpet and I couldn't help but start laughing at how ridiculous my life has gotten in the past several weeks.

Whats a boy to do?

Heres to hoping that with August wrapping up today that things will start to look up for yours truly.
Even the things that have happened for which I don't know what the end result will be as of yet.


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