Welp the plan was to make some changes for me in 2025. If nothing else for my mental health.
That idea got suddenly pushed into action Friday 01/31 when I was unceremoniously fired from a job that I moved back to KC to do 7+ years ago.
Remembering the words a friend the last time I got fired from a long time bicycle shop job went and got a friend with a truck and cleared all my personal tools, parts etc, more or less, out so there is zero reason to go back.
Change was needed. I’d been saying since that businesses 2nd year of operation that if I didn’t work there I wouldn’t have gone there. The concept is good, something about the owner/operator isn’t. No hard feelings & I wish them the best of luck.
Added bonus; no longer do I need to cross the HOA bridge twice a day 5 days a week. So my car free bicycle commuter life style is already better.
Job prospects already in the works.