Sunday, February 12, 2023

KC Pride? Kinda.

Dawned on me this morning that the last time I got hit by a car and was hospitalized, 20 odd years ago, that some friends happily thought that I came out of it as a Chief’s football fan. Never mind that they probably influenced me by watching it on tv in my room while I was in a coma. (FYI Coma dreams are weird & not recommended)

While I am a KC fan being born, raised, & living almost my entire life so far in this town I’m still not really much if any of a football fan. Sure, just like any ball sports I’ll watch it if it’s on the bar TV but I’m not going out of my way to find it. So while my KC pride means I hope our team does well today overall I don’t care enough about the sport to watch it. 

I do hope they win tho. For no other reason than KC pride and not wanting to listen or read about y’all bitching about a loss.

Make it a great day! 


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